Fee Remission

Watchdog operates a system of fee remission (partial or full) for families in need of financial assistance. This system apply to school fees and speech therapy fees. Watchdog is always prepared to discuss financial difficulties and possible solutions both long term and short term, to ensure that families avoid unnecessary stress and hardship and no children’s needs are sacrificed as a result of their families unabling to afford it. 

How to apply 

  1. The applicant (child’s parent or legal guardian) could apply remission (full or partial) for both school fees and ST fees or one of them only. 
  2. The applicant should submit its duly completed fee remission form together with supporting documents relating to salary and rent allowances to the centers’ social worker for followup. Parents or guardians may also need to supply Inland Revenue Department tax return assessment or other documentation relating to a financial status. 
  3. Fee remission can be applied for before entry to the programme, and subsequently at the beginning of every school year or when parents have a change in financial circumstances which might result in hardship. 
  4. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information supplied. Giving inaccurate information may lead to cancellation of the applications and loss of a place in the programme. 
  5. Fee remission applications forms are available from centre’s social worker. 

How are applications dealt with 

  1. Upon receipt of the application form and its supporting documents, centre’s social worker will arrange with the applicant for a home visit.
  2. After the home visit, the application will then be reviewed and approved thereafter by the Fee Remission Panel which comprise members from the Executive Committee of Watchdog Limited.
  3. The fees remission levels are approved based upon the financial status of each families.
  4. The applicant will be notified in writing the result of his/her application.


Please approach centre’s social worker for any assistance or any questions that applicants may have.