Programme Introduction
Watchdog provides separate English and Cantonese speaking programs, with an assessment centered curriculum which monitoring the key developmental areas in children. These areas include: cognitive; fine motor; gross motor; sensory integration, self-help skill; expressive and receptive language, and social relationship. Our programs are based on the following teaching strategies and features:

- A combination of individual therapy and group training sessions.
- Group session programs are school-term based aiming to emphasize program continuity, maximizing the learning benefits of children.
- Upon admission, every child is assessed using various assessment tools to determine the level at which the child is functioning. Then we assess and evaluate students as well as plan and implement an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and related strategies. Each child is assessed formally twice a year to monitor his/her progress and his/her need to continue with our services. After the assessment, the therapists and teachers report on the progress of the child at parent conferences. Written reports are also provided. Parents are also expected to provide feedback and input about the objectives set for their child.
- We use a wide array of teaching aids including visual schedules, visual cues, social stories, Makaton (hand signing), PECS (Pictures Exchange Communication System) and written words to target different developmental delays. We also implement supplemental programs and approaches inside the classroom including the “Mind-reading Program”, “Think aloud Program”, “Social Thinking Methodology”, “TEACCH Autism Program”, etc.
- We believe parent involvement plays an integral role in child development. Parents are the key people carrying on and practicing the Watchdog training with their children at home. We maintain close communication with parents and invite them as members of our Executive Committee. This enables our parents, as Board Members, to be involved in key decision making about Watchdog policies.